Sunday, June 21, 2015

YouTube channel for Writers

Youtube Logo final

As some of you know I am an aspiring writer. While watching other videos on YouTube I decided to see what information there was available for the writer on YouTube. While there was some limited videos, I won't go into detail here, I couldn’t find anything for writers by writers about writing. I’m not talking about a talking head going on about there writing style, but interviews between two writers. Information on the process of writing, what to do after your first draft is finished. When to query. How to market your work and yourself. Just information that any writer would want or need.

So I started one, so far I have done interviews and excerpt reading from the authors. But coming soon we will have panel conversations about those all important parts of writing that the general public has no idea happen.

I think even non writers will enjoy these videos.

Come watch and you will find new books to read, get to know some new and old Authors and writers. You might even learn more than you ever wanted to know about writing.

My channel is :

This week we have a reading from Beyond the Tempest Gate by author Jeff Suwak. Beyond the Tempest Gate is a dark fantasy novella.



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